Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Assignments for Mon/Tues/Wed, 12/5-7

Discrete Math:
Monday - We evaluated the game of Roulette and calculated Expected Values for all possible bets, learning that Roulette is designed to cost the player approximately $6 for every $100 gambled.
Do 13-4: 1-8, calculate all expected values for Roulette bets.
Tuesday - We learned how expected value is used with life insurance and how it affects the insurance buyer.  Quiz 13:1-2,  Do 13-4: 9-16, 21-22, 25-26
Wednesday - Gambling Day!  All students had to design their own game, calculate the expected value, then play it at least twenty times and collect data to compare experimental to theoretical data.

Algebra II:
Monday - We reviewed how to write and evaluate polynomial equations and how the equations relate to their graph.  Do 6-1/6-2 review worksheets.
Answer Key
Tuesday - Students took the chapter 5 test.
Wednesday - We learned how to divide polynomials to find factors using long division and synthetic division.  Students also took a quiz over C6 sections 1 and 2 on polynomial equations.


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