Students took a quiz today on topics covering data validity, reliability, and bias.
Friday and Monday are flex attendance days. To qualify, students must have:
--> a grade of 80% or higher,
--> the application form turned in.
On flex attendance days, students are to
log in to Moodle for their assignment.
Flex attendance are optional, students may choose to come to class for extra help.
Algebra II:
Today we reviewed how to solve equations using both common and natural logarithms.
Here's the
C8:5-6 review packet, and
here's the answer key.
**** Error on the Answer Key!! #8 should be ln27c^3 ****
Our tentative schedule for coming days is:
Friday: ACT review focused on geometry
Monday: Group quiz over 8:5-6
Tuesday: C8 Review
Wednesday: C8 Test